The administration of a virtual or a dedicated hosting server is different than that of an ordinary shared hosting account, consequently if you need a machine of your own for site content or offline apps, you may encounter challenges that you have never faced before. All system tasks on a shared hosting machine are addressed by the hosting provider, but if you have your own hosting server, all of these tasks are something you have to cope with. In case a process freezes for whatever reason, for example, or if the overload on the hosting server increases considerably, you will need to take measures to restore the proper operation of the machine. Doing this may be a challenge if you have never managed a hosting server before and you don't have much experience, so if this is the case, you might use the Managed Services upgrade which we supply. Along with other management tasks, you'lldiscover a Monitoring & Rebooting service inside the package, so our staff can keep a watchful eye on your server 24/7 and reboot it if needed.

Monitoring and Rebooting in VPS Web Hosting

If you opt to host your websites or offline programs on one of the Linux VPS web hosting services which we provide, you can add the Managed Services upgrade at any time and from that moment on our admins shall monitor your entire system closely. Automated checks for various processes are going to be activated and our knowledgeable team will be notified the instant some unforeseen predicament shows up - a script that's not responding, a frozen process, an app that takes a lot of physical memory or CPU processing time, and so on. Our administrators will identify what caused the issue and will resolve it or will reboot the hosting server if needed so that it can resume its proper functioning. The Monitoring & Rebooting part of the Managed Services pack will save you time and cash as you won't have to pay to a third-party firm to monitor your hosting server remotely, not mentioning that they can't access your server to do anything if a predicament appears.

Monitoring and Rebooting in Dedicated Servers Hosting

Adding the Managed Services package to your dedicated servers hosting service is as easy as clicking a button on the order page or inside your billing Cp and provided that the service is active, our system admins will keep an eye on all system processes on your hosting machine 24/7 as to make certain that everything is operating exactly how it should. An automated system will notify them as soon a problem shows up, so they can troubleshoot it to discover what created it and will then handle it in no time. Frozen processes, software features that have shut down or apps which use an excessive amount of physical memory are only a couple of examples of the things our seasoned staff will look for and handle. A third-party monitoring company can only inform you that there's some issue with a specific system service, but they'll lack the means to do anything about it as they won't be able to access your machine.