Every time any info is uploaded to a cloud hosting account or downloaded using it, some web site traffic is produced and that is an aspect that each hosting plan has. It's also one of the characteristics you should check out, as what amount of website traffic quota you will need depends on the things you need the account for. The website traffic is generally generated by downloads which includes web site visits. Essentially, anytime somebody opens your site, the web pages are downloaded from the server to his or her computer and they are afterwards displayed by their internet browser. It is of course recommendable to know that uploads matter too, which means that every time you copy bigger files from your computer system to the server, some site traffic will be generated too. Different suppliers can have different names for this feature, for example traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, still all of them refer to the exact same thing - the total amount of incoming & outgoing info created for a particular period of time.

Monthly Traffic in Cloud Hosting

Our Linux cloud hosting were created with the idea to take care of the traffic produced by any kind of web site that can run in such an account. If you currently have one or a couple of small-scale or medium-sized websites, you'll not be limited by the monthly traffic quota regardless of what content you have - plain text and / or a great number of images, for instance. The statistics in the hosting Control Panel will give you comprehensive info about the website traffic produced by every single website along with the total amount for the account as a whole. The figures are updated in real time and indicate both the day-to-day and the monthly usage, thus you'll know how much info is transferred to and from the hosting account anytime. The very first day of every month your counter is reset, but you will be able to view the site traffic stats for the past months, that will inform you on how your sites perform.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The monthly traffic characteristic of our Linux semi-dedicated services is unlimited, or as a number of companies define it, unmetered. Of course, we keep track of the volume of uploaded and downloaded content for each and every account, yet we will never set any limit, which means that your websites can grow and receive more targeted traffic. We provide you with elaborate info what is going on in your account so as to allow you to manage your sites more efficiently and to have an idea how they function. You will be able to view the traffic produced by every single site plus the most downloaded webpage or file. The stats are monthly, daily and hourly. In a continually developing online world, you are able to have many new visitors with just a single advertising campaign, so by providing a really unlimited plan, we will make sure that you do not lose potential customers for the reason that your account can't handle the website traffic.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Web Hosting

With each virtual private server plan that we offer, we provide a different monthly site traffic allowance that depends on how powerful your server is. Thus, we can keep our lower-end plans inexpensive and give you the chance to pick the package you need depending on your budget as well as your resource needs. Upgrading from one plan to another is really simple and will take just a couple of clicks in your VPS billing Control Panel, thus when you start to get more site visitors at some point soon and you need an increased website traffic allowance, you will be able to move to a better plan at any time. We will notify you in case you reach 90% of your monthly allowance, so you'll have the required time either to upgrade or to optimise your websites, in order to reduce the outgoing site traffic. The VPS plans also include a server management panel where you can see what amount of website traffic has already been used for the month and how much is left up till you reach the quota restriction.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers Hosting

Considering how powerful our Linux dedicated servers hosting are, the data transfer that you will get every single month will be enough for any type of site whatever the number of its visitors, even if you supply image or file hosting. You'll have an allowance of terabytes of site traffic each month and because you won't share the server with anyone else, that quota will be provided only for your websites and web apps. We will inform you once you get to 90% of your quota so that you can react and either optimize your sites to lower the website traffic they generate, or extend the limit. It is very unlikely that you'll ever need more than what we'll offer you, but we will not stop the development of your web sites, therefore we leave the possibility to include additional website traffic open. The dedicated server packages come with an administration panel where you can see what amount of site traffic has been generated so far for the present month and how much is left until you reach the cap. Considering the fact that these figures include software installations as well as all updates, they are more correct compared to any hosting Control Panel statistics which include only the traffic generated by websites.